也可直接发我邮箱,<A target=_blank href="mailto:snt006@163.com">snt006@163.com</A>,谢谢!Re:谁有crystal的资料呢?共享一下吧
<P>We need to know the HOW TO CREATE " Crystal Report and apply it to X3 ".</P><P>Red Amry</P><P> </P>Re:谁有crystal的资料呢?共享一下吧
这个比较简单,Crystal Report 的HELP就可以了,至于在X3挂报表很简单的,等有时间了 我写过操作说明Re:谁有crystal的资料呢?共享一下吧
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="98%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD><DIV style="OVERFLOW: auto; WIDTH: 100%">这个比较简单,Crystal Report 的HELP就可以了,至于在X3挂报表很简单的,等有时间了 我写过操作说明</DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><P>We would like to know how to using Normal Ctystal Report created the report and integrated to X3 report define and using this report to printing out the information.</P><P>Any DATA STRUCTURE FILES of ADONIX system that we can open the database with MS SQL</P><P> </P><P> </P>Re:谁有crystal的资料呢?共享一下吧
<P>Quick, please. We need to have how the create the Crystal Report and linkage with Adonix X3,</P><P>If you have some stanadard document, send to my e-mail address frankie.wong@dataworld.com.hk</P>Re:谁有crystal的资料呢?共享一下吧