想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>Hi all, </P><P>請問有誰人知道, 如果想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file , 現在在那裡可以找到??</P><P>(Top Urgent, thanks)</P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>I found Accpac Discovery Series 4.1 CD in my office. Is this the one you are looking for? If it is, please tell me how can I send/tranfer to you?</P><P>jmmj</P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>Hi Jmmj,</P><P>Is this only chinese version?</P><P>Cheers,</P><P>Uranus</P><P> </P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>English version (Canadian)</P><P>jmmj</P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>Hi Jmmj,</P><P>Then can zip the CD and send me try try?</P><P>how large is it? my email is <A target=_blank href="mailto:uranusmavis-rubbish@yahoo.com">uranusmavis-rubbish@yahoo.com</A></P><P>Thanks in advance</P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>I zipped but the size is about 244MB. Do you have any other ways? Please let me know.</P><P>jmmj</P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>Oh,you can try to upgrade version from 4.1 to 5.4 or 5.5</P><P> </P>Re:想下載 accpac 4.1 setup file (Urgent)
<P>不知道Uranus为什么要4.1版本的。Sage Accpac已经不提供5.0版本以前的服务了。</P><P>jmmj</P>页: