<P>有没有人有x3 4gl语言的语法规范资料啊 能给我发一分吗 <A target=_blank href="mailto:zhenglonghuo@163.com">zhenglonghuo@163.com</A></P><P>公司里做二次开发要我看代码 什么东西都没有 就一小段代码</P>Re:求助
吉马 软件里的帮助都是英文的 看得头晕 有没有中文的啊Re:求助
<P>X3 4GL development language is the the same type of language that in the market.</P><P>There are not many people who know it well execpt people who working in SAGE CHINA.</P><P>In fact, it is very important for Sage Adonix X3 can release these type of DEVELOPMENT TOOLS for reseller to working on ADONIX, no matter on customization or more in deep understanding the sytem.</P>Re:求助
Development 部分没有计划翻译。页: