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标题: ACCPAC年结步骤 [打印本页]

作者: putong    时间: 2009-12-29 05:43     标题: ACCPAC年结步骤

作者: putong    时间: 2009-12-29 05:48     标题: Re:ACCPAC年结步骤

ACCPAC v4.3版本

作者: putong    时间: 2009-12-29 18:28     标题: Re:ACCPAC年结步骤


作者: putong    时间: 2009-12-29 22:10     标题: Re:ACCPAC年结步骤

我应该何时开始我今年年底前处理? When should I begin my year end processing? fficeffice" />

Accpac,十分灵活的态度处理整个财年的交易。 Accpac is tremendously flexible about handling transactions across fiscal years. 基本上有两个步骤只 There are essentially only two steps 需要从应用的角度,开始在新的一年的处理。 required, from an application perspective, to begin processing in a new year.

1 1. 创建一个新的共同事务的财政日历 Create a new fiscal calendar in Common Services

2 2. 运行创建总账新年功能 Run the Create New Year function in General Ledger

创建一个新的财政日历创建新的一年的日期将在所有模块的设置项有效。 Creating a new fiscal calendar creates the new year's set of dates that will be valid for entry in all modules. Accpac Accpac 防止的日期是不存在的共同事务的财政日历进入交易。 prevents entering transactions for dates that do not exist in the fiscal calendar in Common Services. 新的财政日历 The new fiscal calendar 可以创建 在任何时候 ,甚至远在新财年的进步。 can be created at any time , even well in advance of the new fiscal year. 您将要确保会计期间锁定你 You will want to be sure to lock fiscal periods you 考虑关闭,以防止他们发布(这可以防止在子分类水平的影响,而不仅仅是一般 consider “closed” to prevent posting to them (this prevention can take effect at the subledger level, not just in the General 总帐)。 Ledger).

运行创建新年是函数创建关闭项,以留存收益(或基金结余)账户(等)的 Running Create New Year is the function that creates closing entries to retained earnings (or fund balance) account(s) for 收入和在今年年底报销。 这个过程影响总账只 income and expense accounts at the end of the year. This process affects the General Ledger only . 此功能也可 This function also may be

运行在几乎任何时间,但通常你应该创建一个新的一年你有你的今年最 run at just about any time; however, typically you should create a new year when you have most of your “old” year’s 交易发布到了ACCPAC总分类帐,并 准备开始张贴到新的一年 transactions posted to the Accpac General Ledger, and are ready to begin posting to the new year . 请注意,Accpac Note that Accpac will 让你即使在后创建新年职能交易上年已经运行,只要你有 allow you to post transactions to the prior year even after the Create New Year function has been run, as long as you have 允许投寄到前几年的选项 , 打开在G / L的设置-选项。 the “Allow Posting to Previous Years' option turned on in G/L Setup – Options. Accpac会自动创建其他 Accpac will automatically create additional 接近留存收益的任何项交易派往收入/上年费用账户。 “close to retained earnings” transactions for any entries posted to income/expense accounts in the prior year.

还有什么我需要知道今年年底? What else do I need to know for year end?

请参阅随附文件(章完成每Accpac模块年底步骤的详细说明)。 Refer to the accompanying document(s) for detailed instructions for completing year end steps for each Accpac module. And 不要忘了电话或电子邮件的任何问题BKD don't forget to call or email BKD with any uestions.


Sage Accpac ERP Year End Procedures – Accounts Payable

(更新版本5.4 (updated for version 5.4)

以下是需要完成的贤者Accpac ERP的应付帐款年底建议的步骤: Following are the recommended steps required to complete Year End in Sage Accpac ERP Accounts Payable:

Ø 输入和员额年交易的所有批次。 Enter and post all batches of transactions for the year.

Ø 打印的报告和上市公司为您的审计跟踪和文件需要(发布期刊,g / L的交易,供应商 Print the reports and listings you need for your audit trail and files (posting journals, G/L Transactions, Vendor 交易,现年应付款,现金需求岁)。 transactions, Aged Payables, Aged Cash Requirements).

Ø打印年度1099s(或文件以电子)在任何时间后 , 最后支付1099为主题的供应商 Print 1099s for the year (or file them electronically) at any time after the last payments to 1099-subject vendors for 这一年 , 已张贴。 the year have been posted. 1099年的积累和在Accpac ERP数据交换 , 是独立于任何其他年份 Accumulation and clearing of 1099 data in Accpac ERP is independent of any other year 结束进程。 end processes. Ø

使用创建的定期处理g / L的批处理功能, 建立g / L的批次(如果你不使用该选项 Use the Create G/L Batch function in Periodic Processing to create G/L batches (if you do not use the option to 建立g /在张贴蜇批次)。 create G/L batches during posting).

Ø 执行应付账款数据的完整性检查。 Perform an integrity check of Accounts Payable data.

Ø 运行年终函数/从一名P定期处理窗口。 Run the Year End function from the A/P Periodic Processing window. 您可以选择: You can optionally:

Ø 重置所有批号为1一般不建议因为这可以防止钻取调查。 Reset all batch numbers to 1. Not generally recommended as this will prevent drilldown inquiry.

Ø 定期清除发票的日期支付的数额 Clear recurring payable amounts invoiced to date Ø 清除活动统计数据,移动本年度的供应商活动的统计数字上一年。 Clear activity statistics, which moves vendor activity statistics for the current year to the previous year.

Ø 清除发票支付 , 天支付柜台,重置为零的发票总金额有偿和数量 Clear Invoices paid and Days to pay counters, which resets to zero the Total Invoices Paid and Number of 检查领域卖方窗口和总日数的支付领域的厂商和供应商集团 Checks fields in the Vendors window and the Total Days to Pay fields in the Vendors and Vendor Groups 窗口。 windows.

如果你想在年底的机会 , 清除历史数据,请协助BKD联系,或参阅我们的 If you wish to take the opportunity at year end to purge historical data, please contact BKD for assistance, or refer to our 单独的文件载有步骤 , 清除数据。 separate documentation containing steps to purge data. 数据清洗 , 可在任何时间完成,并且是今年独立 Data purges can be done at any time, and are independent of year 结束处理。 end processing.


Sage Accpac ERP Year End Procedures – Accounts Receivable

(更新版本5.4 (updated for version 5.4)

以下是需要完成的贤者Accpac ERP的应收账款年底建议的步骤: Following are the recommended steps required to complete Year End in Sage Accpac ERP Accounts Receivable:

Ø 输入和员额年交易的所有批次。 Enter and post all batches of transactions for the year.

Ø 如果您使用,重复收费,重复收费过程中使用Create定期费用批次功能 If you use, recurring charges, process recurring charges using the Create Recurring Charge Batch function in 定期处理。 Periodic Processing.

Ø 如果您收取利息给客户,为使用创造利益的进程中利益批次批次 If you charge interest to your customers, process interest batches for the period using the Create Interest Batch 定期处理功能。 function in Periodic Processing.

Ø 可以选择使用创建撇批处理功能,在加工周期无法收回注销户口。 Optionally use the Create Write-off Batch function in Periodic Processing to write off uncollectible accounts.

Ø 打印的报告和上市公司为您的审计跟踪和文件需要(发布期刊,g / L的交易中,客户 Print the reports and listings you need for your audit trail and files (posting journals, G/L Transactions, Customer 交易岁试算表,逾期未交收款岁)。 Transactions, Aged Trial Balance, Aged Overdue Receivables).

Ø 使用创建的定期处理g / L的批处理功能 , 建立g / L的批次(如果你不使用该选项 Use the Create G/L Batch function in Periodic Processing to create G/L batches (if you do not use the option to 建立g /在张贴蜇批次)。 create G/L batches during posting).

Ø 数据执行应收账款完整性检查。 Perform an integrity check of Accounts Receivable data.

运行函数从年终了A / R定期处理窗口。 Run the Year End function from the A/R Periodic Processing window. 您可以选择: You can optionally: -

- 重置所有批号为1一般不建议因为这可以防止钻取调查。 Reset all batch numbers to 1. Not generally recommended as this will prevent drilldown inquiry.

- - 清除活动统计数据,移动本年度的客户活动的统计数字上一年。 Clear Activity statistics, which moves customer activity statistics for the current year to the previous year.

- - 定期清除总费用的数额。 Clear Total recurring charge amounts.

- - 清除发票支付 , 天支付柜台,重置为零的总日数和总的支付 Clear Invoices paid and Days to pay counters, which resets to zero the Total Days to Pay and Total 发票已支付领域中的客户,客户群和国民经济核算的笔记本电脑。 Invoices Paid fields in the Customers, Customer Groups & National Accounts notebooks. 如果你想在年底的机会 , 清除历史数据,请协助BKD联系,或参阅我们的 If you wish to take the opportunity at year end to purge historical data, please contact BKD for assistance, or refer to our 单独的文件载有步骤 , 清除数据。 separate documentation containing steps to purge data. 数据清洗 , 可在任何时间完成,并且是今年独立 Data purges can be done at any time, and are independent of year 结束处理。 end processing.


Sage Accpac ERP Year End Procedures – General Ledger

(更新版本5.4 (updated for version 5.4)

以下是需要完成的贤者Accpac ERP系统总帐年底建议的步骤: Following are the recommended steps required to complete Year End in Sage Accpac ERP General Ledger:

Ø 在公共服务,创造一个新的一年财政日历,如果你还没有这样做。 In Common Services, create a Fiscal calendar for the new year, if you have not already done so. 请确保 Make sure the 截止期间(CLS)的旧年和新年的第一个时期都没有上锁。 closing period (CLS) of the old year and the first period of the new year are both unlocked.

Ø G / L的选项窗口中,检查是否在财政集多年的历史 , 是适当的保留。 In the G/L Options window, check to see if number of years in Fiscal Sets for retaining history is appropriate. 更改 Change 如果需要的话。 if needed. g / L的创建新年功能消除了财政一套比多年历史的饲养老年人。 Each G/L Create New Year function eliminates a fiscal set older than the number of years kept in history.

此设置是有限的基础上,Accpac你(100200500)版本,请参阅我们的随行 This setting is limited based on the Edition of Accpac you have (100, 200, 500); please refer to our accompanying 年终程序-概述的更多细节文件。 “Year End Procedures – Overview” document for more details.

Ø G / L的选项窗口中,验证默认关闭(未分配利润)账户是正确的。 In the G/L Options window, verify the default closing (retained earnings) account is correct.

Ø 如果您使用的帐户段(部门),使用该部分代码窗口指定闭幕(留存收益) If you use account segments (departments), use the Segment Codes window to specify a closing (retained earnings) 帐户每一部分的代码。 account for each segment code.

如果您使用的帐户部分,使用帐户窗口指定部分您要每个收入和 If you use account segments, use the Accounts window to specify the segment to which you want each income and 支出帐户职位。 expense account to post.

Ø 执行中的总帐行政服务数据完整性检查。 Perform an integrity check of General Ledger data in Administrative Services.
作者: KFC    时间: 2010-1-18 06:17     标题: Re:ACCPAC年结步骤

作者: CATHY    时间: 2010-4-13 21:02     标题: Re:ACCPAC年结步骤


1,在公共服务fiscal calendar中建好新一年及新一年的会计期间;



4,检查Gl option 中默认结转科目是否正确,检查总帐所有科目的归属,主要是损益类科目不能设成资产负债科目,反之也是,否则出来的利润会有问题;








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