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Production Planning Module Introduction

AUTOSIMPLYProduction PlanningAbout AutoSimplyAutoSimply'sProduction Planning module is an easy-to-use production scheduling and materials requirement planning solution for small to medium-sized enterprises. Developed using AccpacSDK, it is fully integrated with Sage ACCPAc'sFinancial and Logistics modules. The P/P module is the second installment of AutoSimply'smanufacturing suite for Accpac. It makes full use of the manufacturing and BOM information in AutoSimply'sManufacturing Order (M/F), sales information as contained in AccpacO/E, stock data within AccpacI/C and purchase information in AccpacP/O.With AutoSimply'sP/P module, Accpaccan now truly generate a full blown MPS and MRP plan! FeaturesFlexible I/C Location Coverage
•User-defined P/P Distribution Networks determine the scope of individual MPS/MRP planning runs
/P Distribution Networks are composed of AccpacI/C Locations
•Allows users to group or ungroup I/C Locations to form networks
•Supports unlimited number of P/P Distribution Networks.
Continued ►Visit us at www.autosimply.comor call 852-3154-9100 today for moreinformation about AutoSimply Production Planning (P/P).AutoSimplyCompany Limited is a Sage AccpacDeveloper Partner. We are focused on developing built-in manufacturing and material planning solutions for Accpac. By using Accpac’svery own SDK, all our products are fully integrated with Accpac. Based on a design of simplicity and ease of use, AccpacService Providers and end users will find our products easy to implement and use.
AutoSimplyProduction PlanningBuyer/Planner Information
Allows definition of unlimited number of buyers for purchased I/C materials
Allows definition of unlimited number of planners for manufactured I/C products
Create planned purchase orders by buyer and planned MO’s by planner
Generate planning inquiries by buyer or planner
Minimum Order (Lot)
Generate realistic purchase or production plans with minimum order quantities per item
Minimum order levels are useful to simulate purchase economic order quantities (EOQ) and supplier minimum order requirements
Minimum order levels are also useful in simulating work center minimum batch or lot requirements
Consumption of Sales Forecasts
Sales forecasts can be inputted or imported for use during planning runs
Actual AccpacO/E sales orders can consume user-defined sales forecasts thus preventing excessive estimation of item demand.
Consumption tolerance can be defined by using backward and forward consumption days
Production Calendar
Allows user-defined working and non-working days
Sets the default working days for a normal week
Reporting & Inquiries
•MRP Summary Report
•MRP Summary Report -Costed
urchase Advice Report –Summary
urchase Advice Report –Detailed
•Production Advice Report –Summary
•Production Advice Report –Detailed
•Item Planning Inquiry
•Planning Action Report
Item Planning Information
Allows the user to define safety stock levels for each item record in I/C
User may also define an order multiple (e.g. purchase unit) for each I/C item
Purchase and Manufacturing Lead Time can be maintained for each I/C item
Option to automatically generate planned orders for selected items852-3154-9100 · www.autosimply.com© 2006 AutoSimplyCompany Ltd. All rights reserved. AutoSimplySoftware, AutoSimplySoftware logos, and all AutoSimplyproduct and service names are registered trademarks or trademarks of AutoSimplyCompany Ltd., or its affiliated entities. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.© Sage Accpacis registered trademarks of Sage AccpacInternational, Inc.Auto Generation of PR’s and MO’s
Simplified Planning Runs
“What If” Scenarios
