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总帐过帐,批次状态变成Post in progress

看到BATCHSTAT=8(Post in progress),将它改为1(Open): UPDATE GLBCTL SET BATCHSTAT=1 WHERE BATCHID='000116' 再到表GLRSTRT(General Ledger Restart)中将错误记录行删除。 再将批次000116过帐,报错 Description: Damaged data. Fiscal set 2008 CNY not found for account 10020102. Check data integrity and, if necessary, restore the data from your most recent backup copy. See Appendix A in the G/L User Guide for more information. Source: 17:08:57 Description: Internal error. Error during Actual Post posting. Check messages list. Write down the message, leave ACCPAC and Windows and return to the system prompt. Reset your computer and try the task again. See Appendix A in the G/L User Guide. Source: 17:08:57
