when i entered one company and taked over X3 mantainence,i found so much bug appearing in everyday, datas often became wrong again and again, why ? usually i thought this is a bad ERP system. by the time past, i have chances to exchange thoughts with user face to face.surprisely, the most bugs happened because they operated in wrong way, and i ask them why operate like that, they reply always like that. an idea light in my brain, if users do it in right method, maybe can avoid these mistakes. the following months,i see how they operate X3, write down these ,do it again in real X3 to find new way or correct way to do. finally, i teach users and correct their operation for each department, each function. now X3 work well, bug disappear in my company. so training is very important in X3 application it's my experience,maybe dont suit other case,thanks for your view--windy.zheng |